New & Used Tires  •  Alignments  •  Brakes


641 East Sugarland Highway

Clewiston, FL 33440

Precision Brake SErvice

Convenient and Affordable Brake Repair Services

At Rapid Tires, we understand the importance of maintaining your brakes for your vehicle’s wellbeing and the safety of all. If you notice brake light, squealing brakes, or slow vehicle speeds, reach out to us. Our team is ready to assist you and ensure optimal brake function. Trust Rapid Tires for your safety and vehicle performance.
brake repair
brake repair

Explore Our Brake Repair Services

Top 4 Warning Signs that you Need Brake Repair Services

Brake Light is On

Pulsing or Vibrating

Poor Stopping

Squealing, Grinding, Screeching or High Pitched Noises

brake repairs

Ensure a Safe Ride with Rapid Tires